Ways To Give

The community foundation idea is simple: Anyone may use it to give something back to the community. Assets that you donate to the foundation create one of several types of funds to support your charitable goals. We offer you a full menu of planned giving options to tailor your gift.
You can create a fund in honor of someone you love or to celebrate a special event. You can direct your gift broadly or narrowly to issues you care about or to wherever the needs are greatest. However you give, your gift can change lives - today and in the future.
HCF offers flexibility in giving, some of our most popular options are:
Community Needs Fund
Community Needs Fund are the most flexible and responsive to emerging and changing community needs. You leave decisions on the charitable uses of these funds to the governing board of the Hudson Community Foundation. Unrestricted funds allow response to special situations and to the ever-changing needs of the Hudson Community.
Field of Interest Funds
Field of Interest Funds allow you to specify a particular area of which income from your gift can be targeted. The Hudson Community Foundation fields of interests include the areas of education, human services, civic projects, youth and environment.
Donor Advised Funds
Donor Advised Funds have a minimum requirement of $10,000. They are dedicated endowments that provide for the ongoing involvement of family members, organizations, business representatives, or appointees as foundation advisors.
Fund advisors participate in the grant making process by making funding recommendations to the Board of Directors based on the dedicated purpose of the foundation. The foundation advisors and the Board of Directors work cooperatively to fulfill the foundation’s specific intended purpose.